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ICL and Allana to develop Danakhil potash mine in Ethiopia

2014.2.13  Israel Chemicals (ICL) has entered into an agreement with Allana Potash to develop the Danakhil potash project, situated in the Dallol region of the Afar province

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Allana Potash stays positive in Danakil Depression

2011.8.3  Sign Up Press Release: (“Allana” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has intersected potash mineralization in Hole DK-11-23 (“Hole 23”) in the eastern

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Allana Potash sold to Israel Chemicals for $137 million

2015.3.27  The deal aims to speed up development of Allana’s promising Danakil potash project, in northeast Ethiopia. Allana Potash sold to Israel Chemicals for $137

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Allana Potash Corp agrees to $137-million takeover bid from Israel ...

2015.3.27  Toronto-based Allana is in the same position as many other junior mining firms: it has a great project but no easy way to finance it in the current rough market

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ICL completes its acquisition of Allana Potash

2015.7.1  Allana holds a concession to mine potash at the Danakhil mine in Ethiopia’s Afar National Regional State, as well as the knowhow that has been accumulated in recent years. The project is estimated to yield

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Danakali: Why This Little-Known Potash Developer Is A Buy

2021.2.12  Unlike other potash producing basins of the world, the Danakil region contains a variety of potassium-bearing salts, enabling the opportunity to generate a

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Allana Potash’s Dallol Project Developing into a world class

2011.5.31  Allana’s Dallol Potash Project is located in northern Ethiopia, and covers approximately 160 km2 of prime exploration acreage within the Danakil Depression or

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Ethiopia: ICL Wraps Up Allana Potash Acquisition

2015.6.25  Allana held a concession to mine potash at the Danakil mine in Ethiopia’s Afar National Regional State. The project was estimated to yield one million tons of

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Allana Resources acquires 3 potash concessions in Ethiopia

Allana Resources Inc. of Toronto, Canada, has acquired three mineral concessions in Ethiopia’s northeastern Danakil depression totalling approximately 150 square

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Why potash in Ethiopia - Miningreview

2009.7.29  Allana Resources, which holds three concessions in Ethiopia’s north-eastern Danakil Depression, covering 150 km2 is hoping to become part of the global potash dynamic. “Of the three major

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Allana Potash Announces Positive Preliminary Economic Assessment

2015.3.2  Allana Potash Corp. is pleased to announce positive results of an independent Preliminary Economic Assessment prepared by Ercosplan Ingenieurgesellschaft Geotechnik und Bergau on the production of ...

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Ethiopie : Israel Chemicals prend à 100% Allana Potash et

6 天之前  Israel Chemicals (ICL) a annoncé le 23 juin la finalisation de son acquisition à 100% de la compagnie minière canadienne Allana Potash Corp qui lui ouvre les portes du projet de potasse Danakhil de classe mondiale portant sur quatre concessions couvrant 312 km2 dans la région d’Afar en Ethiopie.

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基于fasttext与langid文本语种识别的python代码实现 - 知乎

2023.1.20  langid文本语种识别. 在Facebook发布fasttext之前,比较著名的语种识别库是langid,langid是一个小型的语种识别库,其模型只有2.5MB的大小,精度已经达到了91.3以上,虽然模型较小,但是功能确实是比较强大,且可以支持97种的文本语种检测。. 使用langid十分简单,我们 ...

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“咚咚”,听那极端微生物“敲响地狱之门” - 知乎

2020.12.1  为了寻找新的微生物,科学家深入极端地带,包括埃塞俄比亚达纳吉尔凹地(Danakil Depression)的有毒热泉——含有大量的盐、酸性物质、重金属,以及土库曼斯坦的天然气火山口。但是,他们最大的挑战还是在实验室里,“可以说是巨大的障碍。”Tighe说。

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2019.8.26  埃塞俄比亚Danakil 地区的Dallol火山距离Erta Ale火山熔岩湖仅25公里,它高出海平面48米,是地球上最低的陆地火山。这是一座埋藏在1千米厚的盐层地下的火山。在地上它表现为色彩斑斓的泉水和奇特的盐土地貌上的喷气孔,硫磺以及其他矿床。

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Ethiopie : Premier African entrera à 30% dans le projet de potasse ...

2013.8.21  Premier African Minerals Ltd, listée sur AIM, est en passe de détenir 30% d’intérêt dans le projet de potasse Danakil couvrant 317,8 km2 et qui recèlerait 2 milliards de tonnes de ressources à faible profondeur à plus de 20% de chlorure de potassium, en Ethiopie. Cette compagnie d’exploration et de...

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达纳吉尔凹地位于 埃塞俄比亚 东北部、厄立特里亚 的东部,处于 东非大裂谷 的最北端。 达纳吉尔凹地以阿瓦什为顶点,呈三角形,向东北开阔,平均边长约800公里。南、西面均为高大的断层崖,东北面临红海。凹地为海拔500米以下的低陷平原(最低处在海面以下116米),地表水缺乏,大部为荒漠 ...

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播报. 编辑. 达纳基尔沙漠(6张) 在这个狂暴的热区,巨大的 阿拉伯 板块正从一个新的裂缝处被挤走,这个裂缝将 非洲板块 一分为二。. 这种巨大的分裂导致了两个新板块的形成,你甚至可以看到许多地表之下的巨大岩石正在逐渐分离。. 这两个新板块被科学家们 ...

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Allana Potash stays positive in Danakil Depression

2011.8.3  Up 103% since the start of the year stock in Allana Potash Corp, advancing a project in Ethiopia was trading steady on Thursday after the company announced it had intersected strong potash ...

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Allana Potash Corp agrees to $137-million takeover bid from Israel ...

2015.3.27  Jack M. Mintz: Brad Wall’s good potash play. Potash Corp profit to take $100-million hit this year after Saskatchewan tax-rule changes. The all-cash bid from fertilizer heavyweight Israel Chemicals (ICL) is worth 50¢ a share. That is a healthy 51.5% premium to Allana’s closing price on Thursday, but is far below the high of $2.30 in 2011.

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Ethiopie : Premier African entrera à 30% dans le projet de potasse ...

2013.8.21  Premier African Minerals Ltd, listée sur AIM, est en passe de détenir 30% d’intérêt dans le projet de potasse Danakil couvrant 317,8 km2 et qui recèlerait 2 milliards de tonnes de ressources à faible profondeur à plus de 20% de chlorure de potassium, en Ethiopie. Cette compagnie d’exploration et de...

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达纳吉尔凹地位于 埃塞俄比亚 东北部、厄立特里亚 的东部,处于 东非大裂谷 的最北端。 达纳吉尔凹地以阿瓦什为顶点,呈三角形,向东北开阔,平均边长约800公里。南、西面均为高大的断层崖,东北面临红海。凹地为海

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播报. 编辑. 达纳基尔沙漠(6张) 在这个狂暴的热区,巨大的 阿拉伯 板块正从一个新的裂缝处被挤走,这个裂缝将 非洲板块 一分为二。. 这种巨大的分裂导致了两个新板块的形成,你甚至可以看到许多地表之下的巨大岩石正在逐渐分离。. 这两个新板块被科学家们 ...

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Allana Potash stays positive in Danakil Depression

2011.8.3  Up 103% since the start of the year stock in Allana Potash Corp, advancing a project in Ethiopia was trading steady on Thursday after the company announced it had intersected strong potash ...

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Israeli Company Pumps 25 Million Dollars Into Afar Potash

Allana’s potash project is in the Danakil area of the Afar Region. Allana – a subsidiary of the Toronto Stock Exchange listed Allana Potash Corp, which had a five-year exploration process in the Dallol-Potash Project – secured a 20-year license for production on 310,176 sq kms in Dallol, in an agreement signed with the Ministry of Mines ...

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阿尔法洼地 - 百度百科

阿尔法洼地,是世界上地质最活跃的地区之一。. 阿尔法的部分地区,比海平面低500英尺。. 阿尔法洼地是地球上最热的地方之一,夏季时的温度能达到49摄氏度,并且伴有活跃的火山活动。. 因为地势较低,和3万.前相比,阿尔法洼地不断承受着更多来自红海的 ...

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Ethiopia: Danakil potash prospects see some exit and others

2012.11.23  In early September, Toronto-listed Allana Potash, which also owns a concession in the Danakil, announced it was buying out its neighbour Nova-Ethio Potash. Nova’s lease has a large amount of water on it, important to the solution-mining process being used by Allana to extract the sylvinite resources that produce potash.

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The Danakil Depression: The Hottest Place on Earth

2019.2.15  It's kilometers from any settlements and seems to offer little in the way of hospitality. Geologically, however, it's a scientific treasure trove. This desolate, desert region is the home of the Danakil Depression, a place that seems more alien than Earth-like. It's the hottest place on Earth and during the summer months, temperatures can get ...

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Ethiopie: ICL scelle une alliance stratégique avec Allana sur la ...

2024.1.14  Allana Potash, listée sur le Toronto Stock Exchange, avait qualifié la localisation de ses ressources, à une profondeur comprise entre 100 et 300 m, « d’un véritable avantage ». Lire aussi . 17/06/2013-Allana Potash croit en la potasse made in Ethiopia. 19/09/2012 - Djibouti : Allana Potash développe un terminal minéralier à

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The Development of Late‐Stage Continental

2018.8.1  The Danakil Depression lies at the northern end of the Afar region in north Ethiopia; this position marks the triple junction between the Nubian ... We thank Allana Potash Corporation for providing the data

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Le permis d'exploitation minière est attribué au Projet Danakil Potasse ...

2017.3.14  Circum Minerals Ltd. est une société privée axée sur le développement d'un important gisement de potasse situé dans le bassin du Danakil en Éthiopie. Par l'intermédiaire de Circum Minerals ...

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Les beautés diaboliques du Danakil - Le Figaro

2011.7.22  Programmée pour 2014, l'exploitation à grande échelle d'un gisement de potasse menace Dallol, cet étrange mirage géothermal surgi au milieu de la dépression Danakil, au nord-est de l'Ethiopie.

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Danakil Dépression, Ethiopia, 2024 - Rove

2023.5.12  La dépression de Danakil a été créée par la séparation de trois plaques tectoniques dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Il est niché entre la région d'Afar, le plateau éthiopien et la région des Alpes de Danakil et occupe une superficie de 200 par 50 km (124 par 31 mi). Le meilleur moment pour visiter la région de Danakil est de novembre à ...

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La dépression de Danakil : l'endroit le plus chaud de la planète

2019.2.15  Géologiquement, cependant, c'est un trésor scientifique. Cette région désolée et désertique abrite la dépression de Danakil, un endroit qui semble plus étranger que terrestre. C'est l'endroit le plus chaud sur Terre et pendant les mois d'été, les températures peuvent atteindre 55 degrés Celsius (131 degrés Fahrenheit) grâce à la ...

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Study confirms potash potential at Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

2015.2.17  The Danakil mining project has received the backing of the Ethiopian government, which has committed to providing electric power by building a 130-km long power line, according to Yara. The ...

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PROJECT UPDATE: Allana Potash Files NI 43-101 Report for

2013.3.21  Mar. 20, 2013 11:00AM PST. In a follow up to its Feasibility Study announced in February, Allana Potash (TSX:AAA) has filed its NI 43-101 technical report for the Danakhil potash project. The ...

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The Dallol Geothermal Area, Northern Afar (Ethiopia)—An

2019.4.1  The Dallol volcano and its associated hydrothermal field are located in a remote area of the northern Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, a region only recently appraised after decades of inaccessibility due to severe political instability and the absence of infrastructure. ... Simplified stratigraphic column of the Allana DK-10-04B drill hole (− ...

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Ethiopie : Circum Minerals obtient un permis d’exploitation minière

2017.3.15  Le gouvernement éthiopien a accordé à la compagnie minière Circum Minerals un permis d’exploitation minière pour son projet de potasse Danakil. Le permis est valable pour une période initiale de 20 ans, renouvelable indéfiniment pour des périodes de 10 ans « sous réserve d’une viabilité financière soutenue ».

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